In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a nice interwoven image effect in Photoshop. These type of effects are quite challenging for beginners as they don’t know the right way. Don’t worry, this tutorial will show you the best way to achieve the woven image effect without cutting your image. So, Let’s get into it.
Let’s start by creating a small rectangular selection on a new layer using Rectangular Marquee Tool (M). Now, fill the selection with any color then apply the Gradient Overlay layer style with default angle (90 degrees) and Style (Linear).
Select the layer (the one having that gradient rectangle) and duplicate it by pressing Ctrl + J. Now, we have two exact same layers. Select any of the two layers and rotate it 90 degrees. Align both the objects as shown in the image. Select both the layers and press Ctrl + E to merge both the layers.
Step 3
Duplicate the layer vertically few times as shown in the image. Now, select all the layers and merge them.
Step 4
Now, duplicate the layer once and align it to the original layer as shown in the image. Merge the layers after aligning them.
Step 5
Duplicate the layer horizontally few times to complete the interlocked pattern. I am making this pattern tileable and I will use a tile of this texture to make things little bit easier.
Note: If you don’t know how to create tileable/seamless patterns then it’s recommended to read these posts. Tileable/seamless patterns: Method 1, Method 2.
Step 6
Now, open a desire image first then create a new layer and go to Edit » Fill. It will bring up the Fill dialog. Here, I am using the pattern tile that I extracted from the regular pattern we recently created. Click OK when you are done.
Step 7
Put the pattern layer beneath the image layer. Select the Image layer and press Ctrl + Alt + G. It will clip the image inside the pattern.
Step 8
Change the Background color to some darker color. Now, duplicate the pattern layer and put it at the top of the all layers and set it’s blending mode to Multiply. It will give a depth to the overall effect (see Image).
Step 9
This is just a basic idea to achieve this effect. You can experiment with the effect by adding layer styles or filters to it. Now, you have a cool interwoven image effect ready to use.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Use comment section to share your suggestions and problems regarding the tutorial or just shoot me an email. Thanks