20+ Free Clean & Minimalist Blogger Templates

A showcase of free Minimalist Blogger templates perfect for a minimal, personal or diary based blogspot – demo and download links included in the collection.

Bloggers who blog on writing, literature, and personal life often want a clean and minimalistic blog that can be easily readable. To achieve the simplicity and minimalism in your blogger design, you need a simple, clean and minimalist blog template or theme.

You also have added benefits of a clean and simple blog layout. Along with the good writing, a minimalistic approach in design not only makes your readers happy, but also builds a good image of yours as a simplified person.

This post features some remarkably awesome Blogger templates to make your blog appear clean, minimalistic and easily-readable. All of these templates are free to download, and available with download and demonstration link.

  1. Extreme Surfing

    Extreme Surfing

    Migrated from it’s original WordPress theme version, Extreme Surfing template comes with a 2-column layout with a changeable header banner on top with nice typography.

  2. Silverlight

    Silverlight Blogger Template

    Silverlight comes with a nice and simple 2-column layout with Serif typography. You may customize it’s look and feel further from the Template designer.

  3. Lugada

    Lugada Blogger Template

    Lugada looks classic with the left-aligned sidebar and the default green highlights complementing the white so well.

  4. Newspress

    Newspress Blogger Template

    A simple magazine template with minimalist approach. It is actually designed by FabThemes for the original WordPress version, but later some folks came up with a Blogger version of it.

  5. Gordon

    Gordon Blogger Template

    Gordon comes with bold typography with black, white, and gray colors the the theme. Best fit for personal and tech blogs.

  6. Simply Delicious

    Simply Delicious Blogger Template

    This Blogger template doesn’t comes with any sidebars, but with a neat and minimalist design with post thumbnail support. Will look cool on portfolio and personal blogs.

  7. Shortnotes

    Shortnotes Blogger Template

    A responsive magazine style minimalist template that may work well for multiple niches including tech, health, fitness, beauty, and fashion with a bit of customization.

  8. Zikazev Blue

    Zikazev Blue Template

    Another responsive, magazine-styled multipurpose template with a default (but customizable) blue-gray theme with white contrast.

  9. Align

    Align Blogger Template

    A classic piece of work, this one may serve your personal blog so well. The good thing is that it is responsive.

  10. Manifest

    Manifest Blogger Template

    Looks similar to Simply Delicious, the design carries great typography. Great fit for your personal blog.

  1. Esquire

    Esquire Blogger Template

    Bold and classy, fine typography, simple design. Can be used as a multipurpose template.

  2. Elite Minima

    Elite Minima Blogger Template

    A template with attractive typeface. Makes good use of whitespace, will look good on a personal blog.

  3. Swedish Greys

    Swedish Greys Blogger Template

    A resopnsive template carrying the traditional blog layout. White on gray looks great.

  4. Legit

    Legit Blogger Template

    A cool 3-column template, the animated clouds in the header look great. Originally designed by Dzignine.

  5. Madkassar

    Madkassar Blogger Template

    Madkassar is a good fit for photo blogs or portfolio. Good use of whitespace.

  6. HTML5Press

    HTML5Press Blogger Template

    The designer might have coded this template following the HTML5 standards. Carries a traditional blog layout, things that may attract you, gray contrast, animated menu, and the back-to-top button.

  7. Black and White

    Black and White Blogger Template

    Not so great designwise, still fits on the minimalist design track. Carries the typical blog design.

  8. ADSimple

    ADSimple Blogger Template

    3-column magazine style layout with red highlights. You may customize the colors and use it for many purposes.

  9. Simple Clean White

    Simple Clean White Blogger Template

    Just a simple, clean, and white template with dropdown menus supported.

  10. Vostok

    Vostok Blogger Template

    Simple template with no sidebars.

  11. White on Blue

    White on Blur Blogger Template

    Not so great in design, still follows the minimalist approach.

Hope you enjoyed the showcase. Tell us which one of these are you using on your blog. Also feel free to suggest a template to feature.