In this tutorial I am going to show you how to render visual styles in 3ds max. 3ds max has different visual styles such as Graphite, Color Pencil, Acrylic, Pastel etc. that you can use to add a stylized effect to your 3d art.
You can access these stylized views or visual styles through shading viewport label menu which by default, is set to Realistic. You can see these effects in realtime just as rest of the shading styles; however, rendering these styles is a bit tricky process. Let’s learn how to render these styles.
Step 1
Here, I have a Teapot primitive in the scene. Let’s, go to Rendering menu and click on Render Setup…. Inside Render Setup dialog, set the Renderer to Quick Silver Hardware Renderer.If you are using an old version of 3ds max then go to Assign Renderer rollout to change the renderer.
What is Quicksilver Hardware Renderer?
For those who don’t know about Quicksilver renderer, it is a hardware renderer which uses GPU to render 3d objects.
Step 2
Now switch to Renderer tab and under Visual Styles & Appearance rollout, select the Rendering Level of your wish from the available options. Hit Render button to render the selected visual style.
Inside Quicksilver Hardware Renderer Parameters rollout, you can set the time or number of passes of your choice. Render time and render quality depends upon the value that you use here.
You can use default lights or your own lighting setup to illuminate the scene. You can also enable and disable edged faces, textures, transparency, shadows, ambient occlusion and other lighting parameters according to your need.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned something new from it. See you next time with some more tutorials. Thanks